
by Helene L. Solberg and Nora G. Svalheim
“I don’t know why I kissed Kaja. It just happened, and it was a bit strange, but it was also kind of nice. Or..?“
In KISSED we follow Mia and Kaja. Two best friends who are finally about to start high school. It’s always been them two, but then suddenly Mia feels something she’s not sure if she likes… The play revolves around new discoveries and a forbidden love, and delves into a subject matter that can be vulnerable and difficult for a lot of young people growing up. To accept and live out one’s true identity isn’t always easy, especially if you fear being harrassed and pushed away by loved ones. With KISSED we hope to inspire the young, as well as the older generations, to have a greater understanding and acceptance to everyone, no matter who they are and who they love.
The text is developed with funding from the Norwegian Actor’s center and YOUNG TEXT by Unge Viken Theatre.
Playful, painful, intimate and beautiful are the words that comes to mind after spending a good hour at Teateret in Kristiansand. (…) The actors manage to arouse anger, frustration, hope, joy and euphoria in one and the same session. (…)… If you are so lucky to get to see “Kissed” or other plays of the same class – you have been lucky to experienced something extraordinary that I bet you won’t regret afterwards.
– Caroline Hansen –
Creative team
«Kissed is not only relevant, but it is also a romantic, toned-down drama about young love. It works great. In the ever-changing scenography, the young actors are put at the center of our attention and WHAT a couple of great acting performances. If I had to pay 500 kroner or MORE, I would have liked to see this many more times. A rare gem!»
– Jens S. Wergeland, theater educator and director
« A terrific piece for people of all ages! I recognized myself in the highly believable friendship that played out on stage and I got butterflies in my stomach during the hour I got to be with Kaja and Mia. Everyone who either has been or is going to be a teenager will probably experience recognizing themselves in the girls’ lives. Thank you for a great experience!»
– Lillian Ringøen
«Wow!! Den kreative bruken av scenografi, og regien, i kombinasjon med formidlingen fra skuespillerne, gjorde «Kysset» til en fantastisk fin forestilling! Takk for opplevelsen!»
– Beatrice Lystad Akselsen
«I thought the show addressed an important theme, conveyed in a playful and fun way! As a queer man, I could relate extremely well to the story, and I thought it was conveyed with both dignity and respect!
Thank you so much for a great performance!»
– Benjamin Åteigen
“I just wanted to say thank you so much for a great performance! An intimate and nice re-creation of so many intense emotions I can relate to. It made it hit me, and remains as a nostalgic but nice footprint of everything one had to go through in a period where everything was so intense. Hope to see it live sometime. Soon! Anyway, just wanted to share a little gratitude from a culture junkie, who got a much awaited fix.”
– Sindre Hallandvik Langenes
“Thanks for the performance!! Sooo cool that you got to film it and do it so well in such a short time. A lot of beautiful scenes, sensitive and real moments filled with feelings, promises, hope, insecurity, hormones, love…”
– Sandra Bergstrand
“Thank you for a beautiful and splendid play! A warm and important show about one of the most challenging times in a persons life. A brilliant production and amazing actors, exciting themes and a show that invites much needed reflection upon your own lived experiences”
– Sindre Bjørke Høyang
“Thank you so much for that performance, so grateful I got to see it! An important story conveyed by wonderful and believable actors. I really hope many people get to see this story!”
– Mai-Britt Ørnes
«”Kysset” er ikke bare aktuelt, men det er også et romantisk, nedtonet drama om ung kjærlighet. Det funker som FY. I den enkle scenografi som stadig endrer seg settes de unge skuespillerne i senter for vår oppmerksomhet og FOR noen skuespillerprestasjoner. Hadde jeg måtte betale 500,- eller MER så hadde jeg gjerne sett denne mange ganger til. En sjelden perle!»
– Jens S. Wergeland, teaterpedagog og regissør